Badge Picture Thumbnails are Suitcases or Luggage!

Ok, What’s up with the badge thumbnails just being suitcases or luggage? Does it mean I’m not logged in, even though it seems like I am? I don’t see a list of recently completed badges either. The names and descriptions are still there. I’m just worried that my achievement isn’t going to register if it’s not communicating with EA at the time. I thought I just completed my 20th batch of cookies with Regina Evil who is Emperor of Evil!

I clicked on Privacy Settings to see if I could reset my log in. The settings appeared OK. I then clicked ‘Open Downloads Dashboard’ and it says “Please log in to the Sims 3 Store to access the Downloads Dashboard.” I clicked OK and nothing happened. I closed the dialogs and clicked Options->Open Downloads Dashboard and it loaded up fine. From the main Sim panel, I clicked ‘Shop Mode’ and a dialog titled ‘The Sims 3 Store’ opened. It took several seconds of loading, but loaded up fine. I went back to Live Mode so I could re-open the Player Profile and Wall (which is only available in Live Mode). I checked the Badges screen but they are still suitcases.

Well, the badge does say 20 batches of GREAT Cookies, and I’ve only made 5 that were great. We’ll see what happens after 20.

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One thought on “Badge Picture Thumbnails are Suitcases or Luggage!”

  1. I completed an achievement/badge for the 20 great cookies even though the pictures weren’t there. After closing and restarting the game I think the pictures returned to normal.

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